// 2019/02/08

to get confused

– hug me



(a progressive



how to become part of

the parade

“worüber man sich

allgemein keine Gedanken


Do you know

what a Children

Backpack is?

- - - - - - - - - - -

- - - - - - - - - - -

No, not a backpack for







but a backpack in which you

can carry your child on your back.

(to say it

frankly from the beginning:

and clearly right

The man

I am the mean

I am the man who

had no idea how he got that child, always screaming, fidgeting, beating with her

this man carries his little daughter on his back.

little fists against his chest)

/////////////////////// She is sitting in

a backpack and the world is

looking pretty nice from above.

A horse with a golden tail was running by.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

// 2019/02/07 precondition


/////////////////////// the parade

apparatus (for) - - - - - - - - - - { }

(maybe also

appearance (or) for)


apartness (of which we

involuntarily will

a part be)




- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - (of)

a parade

tutu a creation god in

ancient Mesopotamian

// a mistake!” mistake

a the tutelary god

during the reign


Hammurabi /

the Enuma Elish

mistake - - - - - - - - - - - -

It's all about

tomaso ////////////////

look-at-myself- with-closed- eyes



"silences weeping and gives joy to the sad and ill at heart".

  1. the parade

  2. the notation

  3. how to re- construct the

“no, this must be a mistake!”

system consisting

of shifting rows of the tables

of our perception

parade in time and space by using the shifting rows

// auf den Abstand wie er sich im I can't

Detail understand”

eben die Hausglocke

zu klimpern begonnen

gestaltet hat




“oh brother! I`m sorry

sorry! sorry!

{ }